sings my soul

Sing the songs you love

One of the causes of demotivation when learning to sing or trying to improve is the pedagogical approach. We know that learning is closely linked to emotions: we remember more vividly an event linked to a deep emotion, positive or negative. If we focus on the emotions that bring us joy, singing is one of them: the deep sense of well-being and satisfaction that singing brings is definitely a positive emotion.

From birth we learn by imitation and repetition, observing our elders and training over and over again in trial and error. This practice is perfected over the years, consciously or unconsciously selecting what works best for us. At this point, the way in which new concepts are presented to us is crucial. A teaching method should be effective and lead to learning that lasts over time, because the learner has made the knowledge his or her own.

Learning to sing or to perfect our vocal skills is governed by these same facts. And like all learning, if it is accompanied by simple exercises, directly aimed at solving specific problems and adapted to the individual's learning style and musical preferences, it will provoke very positive emotions in the singer.

Selecting songs that we like, that we normally listen to and sing along to and starting to name the vocal challenges we face is fundamental to an effective session. This does not mean that the process is a stitch-and-sing process, but rather that the path is built up as concrete solutions to concrete problems are put in place. Therefore, as for any instrument, practice is a prerequisite, but practising what you like and understand is much more fun!

Hands on the mic!
